Wednesday, 3 February 2010


Well, you asked for it,Your Majesty,Wondrous Queen of WOYWW!
Here's the whole sorry mess of the table and Sofa, as requested by Julia. It has been worse but this week I had only spent a couple of hours at the table.
Pity my poor husband with his OCD and this mess! He's like a cat on a hot tin roof until I've finished and cleared it away. Only then is he happy, but of course he has to hoover the Lounge before totally relaxing.
You can see the messed-up throw at the far end where I sit, and the rubbish bin in all it's glory. Never let it be said that I don't recycle, because that's a plastic carrier bag in there, which gets emptied after a craft session and eventually goes in the rubbish itself when it's sticky and gunky enough!
On the sofa there's a box under the guillotine that I don't think you've seen before. It holds my supply of alphabet and word stickers. Another new-to-you item is on the table itself with the ruler resting on top. It's a box of brads, another of my loves, along with buttons and ribbon! The box is full of brads in every colour and size, from every manufacturer known to man (and woman). Under the 2010 album is my box of American Crafts white cardstock - yes, that Bargain Buy is still here, and I have half a box to use up! I'm always open to ideas.
If you'd like to join in WOYWW madness, hop over to see Queen Julia and leave a link to your craft-table photo. We'll all be round to take a look.


  1. Ah, very worthwhile shot Ann - I didn't realise you sat on the sofa while crafting..can't imagine what I thought really! Lovely big box for alphas and words, just my hting..and the brads, actually...this new angle is quite revealing...Susie has a brad thing too....hmmm

  2. Oh to have to craft tidily. Think I would have to put down dust sheets cos I am just so very messy when I'm busy.
    A x

  3. poor hubby! But when a gal's gotta craft, she's gotta craft!!! ;-)

  4. You have to be very disciplined to be able to craft on your sofa. Hats off to you!! Fab to see a little bit more of your space xx

  5. Gosh, do you have to clear up all your stuff every day? So much going on here, thanks for letting us have a really good look around. I neeeeeeeeed a purple craft mat like yours!

  6. I LOVE your table by the sofa - it looks fab! I do pity your poor husband though - I don't think I can think of a hobby which is more incompatible with OCD! It's so interesting to see the "new to us" items - I kept reading your description and then scrolling back up to peer at the photograph!

  7. I like the size of your 2010 album :) and your DH sounds like me with his cleaning up needs :) I see your tote : )and that massive box of ribbon!!!!!!! WOW

  8. I love this shot - so productive looking :o) Your hubby sounds exactly like Craig - I keep telling him he has OCD but he wont have it.

  9. You need to work this OCD hubby thing to your advantage.... sprinkle a few offcuts and trimmings in every room and he'll hoover the whole house for you!!! Meanwhile, you get more time to craft and less housework to do!


  10. Thanks for all your good wishes chest is still tight but I feel like catching up with everyone so I must be on the mend. Love your recent LO's xx

  11. Thanks for comments on my blog - lots of interesting stuff to check out here. I will be back.



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