Friday, 1 January 2010

Before you all shout at me 'No!'..

It's New Year's Day afternoon and what am I doing? Making New Year's resolutions? Composing lists of things I'd like to achieve in 2010? Eating stale leftovers from Christmas?
None of the above!
I am sitting in the Lounge. A warm, cosy, best-place-to-be-Lounge with my darling youngest daughter, who has control of the remote to the TV. Big mistake!
So as this is the warmest room in the house and I need something to take my mind off boring TV, I am making Christmas cards.
Now, before you all shout at me 'No! Never! Not on New Year's Day!' I will explain two things. Firstly, they were a Sale bargain and therefore not to be passed over, and secondly, I strangely enjoy doing mindless die-cut decoupage on rare afternoons like this, when the ironing can happily wait until tomorrow, the hoovering and washing-up is done, and it's too late in the day to get all my crafty stash out to play with!

I freely admit I would much rather be stamping and making my own cards  - and I will later in the year I promise - and I know I'm letting everyone down admitting to this heinous activity, but I'll be back on track tomorrow - on the straight and narrow - as it's the last day of my Christmas holiday and I will definitely be crafting from scratch!


  1. It's OK, a once a year aberration is allowed! Actually I'm with you on the repetitivie cutting out thing - you don't need to thnk so you can chat, but you don't have to look at the TV either. Bet you spent a lovely afternoon in each other's company!

  2. Christmas cards?! That's way too organised for me! Sounds like a lovely way to spend a cosy day though!



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