Wednesday, 30 December 2009


Christmas is truly over in our house when the decorations and tree are down (planned activity for this afternoon), and the Christmas cards are cut up to make next year's tags. So here is my Christmas Wednesday desk - a tray - with the remains of an hour's crafting. I've been cutting up said Christmas cards with fancy scissors and the result is the little pile on the right of the photo. When the girls were at school and everyone in their class sent them cards I had plenty of tags for the next year, but now they are away from home my supply is much depleted! I may have to make some next December - any excuse to craft!
You can also see my Christmas cacti in flower and a Yankee candle scenting the Lounge very nicely with 'Home Sweet Home' smells.
Join in with WOYWW madness over at Julia's and let us see your craft desk today.
I'm off now to check the dinner as it's another Christmas Lunch today in honour of Jenni and Tom who are staying over for a few days. Actually my husband is the cook in our house but he might need help with something or other. Our Christmas is not quite over just yet!


  1. What a great idea making tags from your Christmas cards. I will have to do this. My sister has a red Christmas cactus and it was loaded with flowers this year. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Have a nice day.

  2. Pleased to see I'm not the only one to make tags out of Christmas cards. Think that may be a job for me for next week though as my hubby says I cant take them down til the weekend.
    A x

  3. Lovely tidy desk and healthy plants.... I'm jealous!

  4. ooh a tidy desk :) The plants look wonderful :)
    Best wishes for 2010
    Anne x

  5. I can never bear to get rid of old cards..I'm going to do tags now thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing what you create in 2010

  6. Extend Christmas for as long as you's good for the faster passage of winter! We had Christmas lunch again (beef this time!). You are very organised with the cards to tags thing already. The cactus timing is perfect, it looks fab...I've jsut managed to kil my third cyclamen this season. Just can't do plants!

  7. What a great idea with using the old cards into tags :)
    Happy New Year Nikki

  8. Love the cacti ...I could never get them to flower so gave up many years ago. I also mean to make tags from the cards ...used to when the kids were young ... but always they end up in the paper bin.

    We will have our decorations up til the 6th looks so bare when they come down.

  9. Must find deckle scissors and follow your example! I will use this years cards as tags for next years gifts!!!! I will not throw them "unloved" ino the bin!!!

  10. We used to do that with Mums old pinking shears as we were growing up and now me and my kids do it with some zigzag crafty scissors :D Funny how traditions carry on isn't it? If you get short on tags, grab a mate, a bottle of wine and some glitter glue. One of the funnest if somewhat hazy December afternoons I had with my buddy a year or two ago, making glittery tags :P

  11. Well done on the recycling. I shall expect your desk to be back to normal next week ;)
    Happy New Year x

  12. I love the Christmas tags idea! Especially now I have a Slice I could do that so easily. I love your blog.

  13. Had a little snoop around, Your plants look healthier than mine!!!



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