Wednesday, 16 December 2009


It's Wednesday already and time to show What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday at Julia's Stamping Ground.
Here's mine with crafting stuff spreading onto the floor and sofa as usual. In fact, now that I've finished making all my Christmas cards, and signed and sent them in the post, I'm a bit short of inspiration for my papercrafting.
There's evidence on my table of stencilling with paste (first attempt) and then glittering the images i.e the cupcake cards on the left of the photo, the roll of low-tack tape and the knife I used because I don't have a proper pallette knife (which would have been much easier!). I wasn't very happy with the results and made some Christmas tags instead as I've run out of cut-up- Christmas-card ones made last Boxing Day. I used some offcuts of card and stickers my husband bought me. I'm definitely not a 'sticker girl',  but am a stamper at heart, and would never make cards from stickers. I have told Hubby this more than once but he still comes home with them..... I think he secretly likes them himself! Anyway, I've made good use of them and the tags will go on some presents for under the tree.
The green box contains lots of pots of glitter (amongst other things) and it very rarely comes out of the cupboard. If I'm honest, I don't think I would miss glitter if I didn't have any, not least because of the mess I make with it! Is there anything in your crafty stash that you could get by without?


  1. Hi Ann. What a busy space you have there. I have a bit of all sorts in my craft store but don't think there is anything I would want to part with. There would always be that moment when you think 'If only I hadn't got rid of that....'. I have dabbled with all sorts over the years and like to dip in and out so I work on something different each day.
    A x

  2. I have toi remember to use glitter, but I do like it, and although I like the convenience of the Stickles glitter glues, I prefer the finsih you get from dry glitter. The stencilling looks great - it takes some practice doesn't it..can't tell you how much easier it is with one of the palette knives that has the angle blade...I'll have arummage and see if I've still got some from workshop days..

  3. Love the look of yoru cupcakes, I'm with you on the glitter never really use it!!!

    Hugs Pam

  4. A girl after my own heart….using the floor as well as the table!

    I’ve never tried stencilling with paste but have often thought about having a go…..must add it to my list of techniques to try.


  5. My cards might be made, but they are not written in and so I need to get a move on before I miss the last post altogether!! That's an interesting question - I don't think that I would miss my scalpel - it came in a metal box along with some other stuff and I think that I have used it precisely once!!

  6. Your tags are cute ... so stickers do have a use lol. I think I would rather keep my pots of glitter and get rid of stickles but like a lot of things I have the odd use for them and might kick myself if I got rid of them

  7. I love that you make nearly as much mess as me!

    I've missed reading your blog recently while I've been "out of the loop", it's nice to be back!

  8. See now I'm with you completely on the loose glitter. Can't abide it but LOVE all the glitter glues. I think it's the mess and the amount of time I've rubbed it in my eye! Ouch!

    I love your cupcake cards - they look so touchy feely ;)

    My eldest just got excited that you have the same cats at the back that she has :D

  9. Wow you have been busy with all your card making, I must admit I love making cards I just don't always get the time.

    Umm what can I do without, I think paint, I could do without paint, at least for a little while.

    Carole xx



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