Saturday, 12 December 2009

What Makes It Christmas?

Karen working in the Sound Studio at Uni

The run up to Christmas seems to get longer every year. The shops display their Christmas stock in August/September, then the lights are switched on in October. It's such a shame that the magic seems to have disappeared as the commercialization of Christmas has taken off. Or maybe it's because I'm too old now to get excited at the approaching festivities.
My youngest daughter, Karen, was asked this week (and recorded while she answered) what made her think it was really Christmas-time. She replied, 'I think it's really here when the Christmas Coca Cola advert comes on TV.'
An advertisement, but that's what starts her thinking of Christmas each year. She'd never get organised in time if they ever take that advert off the screen!
I thought about what makes it seem like Christmas to me, and I think it must be when they start playing all the Christmas tunes on the radio. I soon get fed up with hearing them, but it does make me think that the holiday season is upon us. Also, when I see the Salvation Army Band playing in the street and hear them singing traditional carols, that too is a reminder, but it's nearly upon us by then!
How about you? What makes you think that Christmas is really here each year?


  1. The Sally Army band does it for me! And for these last 3 years, taking my DS to meet Santa ~ magical!

  2. It's not really Christmas until the tree is up and work and (this time) college is over. Then, the running around stops and we take a handful of days of reall relaxing and looking forward to it.

  3. With us there is a torchlit parade through our little town to 'turn on' the lights (which have already been on for weeks at that point) It's a real old fashioned parade, no floats or anything just people walking and singing with torches and candles. We all congregate at the beach and there is a fireworks display. I missed it this year as it was the night of Alice (and I wasn't missing him!!) so it feels a little un-christmassy still for me.

    I have to agree with DD though - the coke ad has that special feel to it, and also seeing the carollers when you go shopping. I think once we take a night-time walk round the street in our area renowned for each house competing with the Christmas lights - that might get me in the Christmas mood :)

  4. The tree makes me feel christmassy and the SA band and their carols really puts me in the mood ...I have been known to shed a tear as the music wafts around me. The smells of Xmas brings it home ... like the cake as it is unwrapped,ready to be marzipaned and mince meat when i used to make my own pies.



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