Saturday, 24 October 2009

Another Theme

I can't do any crafting this weekend as Karen is here, back from Uni for the weekend, and Jenni is coming over tomorrow to see her. I have been having fun though, because Karen is going to a fancy dress birthday party tonight (the real reason she came home this weekend maybe?) and the theme is 'A Film Character'.
She brought a red skirt with her and we've stuck white circles on it. She's made round black ears from my crafting stash and attached them to her hairband. We've fashioned a yellow bow out of ribbon and pinned it to her black T-shirt. She's also wearing black tights, white shoes and gloves, and a fluffy black tail!!
Voila! Mickey Mouse.
She wouldn't do a Mickey Mouse pose for the photo but I'll let you judge whether she looks anything like him! She says she feels like she's going to work at an American Diner!

I always, always get red eye problems with Karen on photos and never remember to use a double-flash when taking a shot. Today was no different. No-one else in the family gives me the same trouble which is strange. Anyway, I had to resort to the photo-editing red eye tool which I never find accurate enough, or maybe I'm just hopeless at using it! Today's excuse is that her false-eyelashes got in the way! Surely Mickey Mouse doesn't wear falsies?!


  1. I know what you mean about the red eye tool.

    Great costume ...shame about the pose lol

  2. I think you both did a great job on the Mickey Mouse costume! I really like how you used your craft stash to create it too. It looks way cooler than a store bought costume!

    x Lauren

  3. Great costume!

    I don't like using the red eye tool either. I can never get a natural-looking result with it ...

  4. Great costume xxx
    If you fancy sharing your crafts, entering competitions & challenges, 3 monthly DT rota plus much more check out

  5. oh i love your daughters outfit. its a simple, chic and modern take on mickey! perfect.



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