Monday, 17 August 2009

Unashamed Scraplift

This layout is a scraplift. I am not ashamed of scraplifting. I'm pretty sure that everyone does it at some point. It's the thing I do when I'm stuck for ideas.
Looking through my old photos I found this one of me at school. I was probably about 16 years old. It's from a science class where we had to hand-develop photographs in the darkroom. I can't remember what we were supposed to be learning - probably something to do with Chemistry. 
As you know, I rarely use one photo on a page. Also I find it difficult to do 'Me' pages, so I had to get out my idea books and magazines, to find some inspiration. I found it in a Stacy Julian layout displaying her list of what she considers to be 'unlucky' and the photo she uses is of burned toast. Yes, toast! Beneath the photo is her 'unlucky list' in the random style I have so blatantly copied. 
I had to think hard about what concerned me at age sixteen, what might I have scribbled on a whiteboard if  they had been around then? Back came memories of being kicked out of Latin because I was useless at it and having to do Classical Studies instead, of struggling with Maths homework after 9.00pm, of my parents wanting me to train to be a teacher (like my sister). I enjoyed doing this layout and  hopefully it gives a wry glimpse of a younger me for my daughters to enjoy.


  1. Oh I love all the journalling you've done here - school was a horrible time for me and I can relate to a lot of things you've put down there although Michael Jackson was King for me at that point *g* What a brilliant idea, love it!

  2. What a fun Idea have adapted your theme to the idea, brilliantly. I actually laughed out loud about you being kicked out of Latin too .... my teacher actually begged me to give it up for a year before hand.

  3. Great scraplift. Why would nayone be ashamed - MG, I'd be delighted to have my sketch lifted!

  4. What a great LO! I thought at first glance you had manged to find a card or similar that all your old school friends had signed. I really like the way the journaling has been done and it's a great "lift" P.s I "Lift" all the time. there's no shame in it :)



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