Monday, 15 June 2009


On Sunday we had beautiful weather along the South Coast and I spent the day at Shoreham-By-Sea. There was a Food Festival taking place in the town along with an open day for a few of the the houseboats moored there.
Some of the boats look cobbled together out of whatever spare bits of wood, glass, mirrors and plastic their residents could find and are probably very cold to live in during winter. But they present a colourful and unusual photo-oportunity for anyone with a camera to hand. Many of the houseboats leaned precariously to one side - maybe they do that anyway whether the tide's in or out! It must be interesting living in a space where everything is at an angle. I'm sure I'd be falling out of bed each night!
I'll be making a scrapbook page focusing on the colours which abound in the houseboat photos. The people living in them spend their time in artistic, quirky, sometimes dark spaces but the cheerful colours of paint and flowerpots, wellies and washing drying on the deck make me envious of their lifestyle - but I'd definitely only be hardy enough to try it in the summertime!

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