Thursday, 1 April 2010

Lesson One


I love photography. I admire other people's work and believe that every picture tells a story. Sometimes though, the story can be enhanced, or even changed. Photos can these days be made to lie!
Inspired by everyone's photos of spring flowers, and needing to get to grips with Photoshop sometime in this life of mine, I've been playing with a couple of shots of my indoor plants that are blooming beautifully at this time of year.

Clivia Photoshopped

This is relatively simple to do - changing colour saturation, contrast etc. Along with changing the size of the image ready for printing, it's very basic stuff, that even I can manage.
And I'm very chuffed with what the software can do.........

from this.. this!

I know... I'm easily impressed, and you've all seen it before, but I'm a very happy bunny (Easter pun intended) discovering what my humble photos can look like with some help from Photoshop. Now all I have to do is get to grips with 'Rasters' and I'll be well-away. 
But Lesson Two will have to wait while I go and look after my visitors, staying over for a couple of days. Have a very happy and peaceful Easter everyone.


  1. Really love your photos and what you have cleverly done with them. I'm sure I have a button that will do that job but I've just not found it yet :-)
    A x

  2. Well I am impressed by these! I know nothing about Photoshop apart from the fact that I really need to learn :) I think these are fab.

  3. Well I'm not familiar with it. Mostly because it's still on a disk in my desk.......I scared! The photos look great.

  4. I love what you've done with your photos..
    photoshop is wonderful, isn't it...especially when you have a creative eye, and a unique vision behind it!

    thanks for coming by love!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  5. love the photos ...and what you have done ...I love cropping photos and changing them to sepia or b/w ... little things etc etc lol

  6. Love the effects you have done on the photos - particularily like how you can see the veins in the petals on the last one - really effective.

  7. Wow, they were beautiful photos in the first place and are now really eye catching! The turquoise colours and the shading in the second one really make it pop.



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