Monday, 2 November 2009

Facebook Photos

Karen's photos of the recent Fancy Dress Party that she attended are on Facebook. I'm not a member so I asked her to e-mail them to me to print off. With just three of her photos I made this page.

What? No journaling?
It's hidden beneath the bow!

There's more photos of Karen on Facebook apparently. Her course group at University held a 'bonding evening' - more likely an excuse for a pub crawl I think- and she had to take a white T-shirt and permanent pen! Hmmm.
She sent me heavily-edited photos that her coursemates had posted on the site. It was difficult to make a layout with any of them and I think there were some very sore heads the day after! Anyway, I cropped two of them until they were relatively presentable and made this page for her.

Sometimes I really feel my age!


  1. I am getting so behind with checking others posts ...all because I missed a day at the beginning of last week. I think it was in my 50's that I suddenly realized I had grown up and that doctors and teachers looked young lol

    I love 'whose ears' and 'freshers' too ..she looks as though she is having great fun.

  2. Well you don't look any age at all to me! Great LOs...your DD will be so thankful that you made them. One day. And I love that she's censoring the photos!!



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