This layout today gave me a couple of problems. I needed to get a whole series of photos onto the page to tell the story, so I had to cut some of them down in size. I arranged them into a sort of square and backed them onto Jenni's favourite colour purple, HOTP Vintage range, but then found they were lost on the page. So I mounted the whole square onto white to give it a lift.
Then I wanted a very large title but had little choice and nothing the right colour (isn't that always the way?) so I used some pink patterned stickers and covered them with Adirondack Cranberry ink - the pattern still shows through but is muted now. I backed them onto white to echo the large square of photos and make them stand out enough on the page. A few rub-ons and embellishments to finish.
Now I have a record of Jenni and Tom's first home together - but when Jenni sees this she'll complain I always snap her eating! Well, if the shoe fits?!!! Just joking! They have a tiny bedsit to cram everything into but they can't afford anything larger as they're now both students. However, they seem to like living together in windy Worthing, and that's what counts!
Love your solution to the large lettering LO.
ReplyDeleteIt is great to know ones' kids are happy.