Sunday, 10 October 2010

Memories and A Lucky Find

I was brought up in the Buckinghamshire countryside next door to a family farm. Climbing up the five-bar gate and leaning over the fence, I loved to watch the cows in the yard and the noisy pigs in their sty. I wasn't so keen on the horse flies that caused huge lumps to appear where they bit me! 
A childhood playmate also had a pig-sty in her garden, which we were sometimes allowed to go into and play with the piglets and to feed them. I don't remember the smell or the mud, just the wriggly pink pigs we held in our arms.
Mum taught me when I was a little girl about how intelligent cows are. She was in the Land Army after the war and her job was to milk the cows morning and evening. The herd had a Hierarchy, going into the milking shed in the exact same order every time. If a cow tried to cheat and go into the shed early, the others would kick it until it went back into it's proper place. Each of her cows also knew its own name. 
Perhaps, because of my upbringing I became a vegetarian in adult life, who knows? 
What I do know is that I have a soft spot for images of either cows or pigs to this day, and for the animals themselves of course. So this little milk jug was a lucky find in the local market.

It's glaze is cracked, and there's a few chips in the china, 
but I think it's Delightful. 
It only cost a few pence and I've found a use for it already ......... a cute Crochet Hook Container.


  1. How nice to hear the story behind your purchase. I think she looks lovely.

  2. Oh it is delightful Ann, anything that can evoke a memory is a charm, huh!

  3. That is the cutest milk jug ever. I would be torn between using it for milk or on my desk.
    Did I say before how much I like your new blog headers? It's terrif.

  4. I had to come see your cat's face on your blog header. I'm sorry to hear you lost him, but I will admit he looks so much like Bleubeard they could be twins. The only difference I see is, if you look closely, Bleubeard has one slightly "snaggle" tooth. Other than that, they could be the same sweet baby.

    I really liked this post. I also like pigs and have featured a mug I have on a previous Tea Tuesday post. I've never collected cows. I guess because in the States in the mid to late 80s, everyone was collecting them. You couldn't walk into a store without being bombarded by them. It appears you didn't get that same over saturation. I do like this one, because it doesn't look like the ones we got in the States.

    BTW, I learned last week that the cracks in the glazing is called "crazing." Go figure, right? And no, I had never heard the term before. The things we learn on the internet.

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my Bleubeard post today.

  5. Thanks for your nice comments on DD wedding.
    What a great use for your find ....such fun xx

  6. Hi Ann! I cam here from Scrap A Little to thank you for your kind comment on my Blast Off LO there. When I was a child I lived in England; my Mom is a Brit and my Dad in the US Air Force. I loved camping with the scouts in the cow pastures and grew up to decorate my kitchen with cows. I like how you found a crafty use for your cow pot. Glad I found your blog!



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